Maple Wood

Maple Wood is used in the production of knife handles. Due to its one-of-a-kind pattern and rich red brown hue, maple burl is considered a premium material.
Thanks to its special quality, maple wood has always been used for high-end woodwork. It is firm and strong, while also offering elasticity and bending strength. It also has a low degree of shrinkage, which means that it loses very little volume, even after the water loss that comes with processing. Moreover, the surface of maple wood offers very good processing properties. It can be stained, dyed and polished without losing its quality. These properties make maple wood the perfect choice whenever wood is exposed to extreme weather and high levels of material stress, as is the case with wooden knife handles.
However, maple wood is not just one of the most sought-after fine woods because it offers excellent physical properties, but also because it looks exceptionally beautiful. The distinctive structure of maple is very expressive with its clearly defined age rings and pores. The deep red brown color lends the wood a warm, pleasant appearance. Given its great beauty, maple wood is a preferred material for fine woodwork.